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Title Minimal incision, continuously buried Method
Name CP Lee Sign Date 2015-05-29

Dear Doctor,

I would like to enquire on the double eyelid surgery as titled above. As you can see in the attached picture, i have slightly puffy eyes and i would like to achieve a natural double eyelid look without changing the way i look. I just want to be more photogenic.

Please advise if the above method is suitable for me and what is the cost involved to do the procedure. I will be going to Seoul in September and if the downtime is minimal i would like to consider the possibility.

Thank you and i look forward to hearing from you.

CP Lee

How are you?
Thank you for visiting the website of Dream Plastic Surgery.

I saw your photo and I recommend you double eyelid fold.
We think double eyelid surgery can be done through buried method(non-incisional) if there are no other problems. 1 point stitch will be removed 2 days after surgery. So you can go home 2-3 days after surgery. Swelling of eyelid will be disappear slowly but you can return daily life within 1 week.

Continuous buried method is where buried suture forming double eyelids is continuous and will end up in one single knot. Therefore “Single Knot, Continuous Buried Method” or “Continuous Buried Method” means the same surgery. Single knot continuous buried method operates through 3 or 4 small holes of 1mm and therefore not possible to treat orbital fat or septum and recommended for relatively thick and less sagging eyelids.
With eyelids which are thick and fatty, there is a high possibility knots can become loose with single knot, continuous buried method. Our clinic’s Minimal incision, continuous buried method completely eliminates unnecessary orbital fats and septum from inside as with partial incision but at the same time, identical to continuous buried method from the outside. Normally as mentioned above, buried method is performed through 3 or 4 1mm holes but it is difficult to eliminate fats on outer side of eyelids and the line looks disconnected and often come untied. We make the last hole on the outside to be 2mm wide and perform partial incision through there. This way, all the benefits of partial incision surgeries are carried out inside whilst surgical scar from the surgery is not visible. There is a very small chance knots will be untied and this is the best surgical method from patients’ perspective.

But most of all, it would be best to decide on the surgery and its method after a detailed consultation and examination in person.

Information on the costs(Non incisional double eyelid surgery and eyelid fat graft) will be e-mailed to you.

For an appointment or inquiries, please call the clinic (Apgujeong 82-2-546-1615). Thank you.

We wish you have a wonderful day. Dream Plastic Surgery