Inverted Nipple Correction
> Breast Surgery > Inverted Nipple Correction

What are inverted nipples?

  • It refers to nipples on level with surrounding tissues or inverted deeper inside.
    Inverted nipples are not aesthetically good, inverted areas can cause hygienic problems and breast feeding problems after birth. These are the reasons for surgeries. Main causes of inverted nipples are known to be genetic, where insufficient supporting tissues is present below them or immature muscular development within areolas.

Surgical Methods

  • 1. Surgery is done to supplement insufficient supporting tissue underneath
  • Inverted nipples are not aesthetically good, inverted areas can cause hygienic problems and breast feeding problems after birth. These are the reasons for surgeries. Main causes of inverted nipples are known to be genetic, where insufficient supporting tissues is present below them or immature muscular development within areolas.
  • 2. Nipples immediately following the surgery can be slightly swollen and bruised.
  • Skin around areolas can crinkle somewhat but this is temporary and will disappear in 2-3 months.
    Size and shape will gradually settle down into beautiful posture.
    It helps to wear medial pressure underwear specially designed to guide them settling into nice shape.
  • 3. Scars will look red after the surgery but they will fade down over time. Even if you are idiosyncratic, they can be much improved through means such as injection, creams or scar removing surgery.
  • Scars will feel somewhat hard at the beginning but they will soften in time.
  • 4. The most common side-effect is the aesthetic dissatisfaction which can include asymmetry, flat shape and recurrence of nipple inversion.
  • But long consultation with the surgeon with plenty of experience will help significantly.
    Besides these, very rarely partial dermonecrosis immediately after surgery can be evident and temporary reduction in areola sensation can occur but will be recovered over several months.