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Title Below eyes (Combined lower eyelid surgeries)
Name rora Sign Date 2012-05-04

Coming into my 30's, I am getting bulging fatty deposits below eyes and dark circles. Will they get better with Combined lower eye lid surgery?

A friend of mine had it done from Dr. Song and the results were great...

I have both fatty deposit as well as dark circles. Will Combined Lower eye lid surgery be enough to cure these?

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Thank you for visiting the website of Dream Plastic Surgery.
If you want younger looking changes to your eyes, combined lower eye lid surgery will give great results. It will help with your understanding to visit the link site below and read Dr. Song\'s article on Dream Beauty?

Combined lower eyelid surgery will change below eye structures to their youngest possible form and give most lively and healthy appearance. By partial incision of fat deposits from protruding lower eyelids, tidying up and firmly adhering membranes encapsulating fat in saggy areas of lower eyelids to the periosteum of facial bones, it minimizes skin excision and reforms grooves below eyes to achieve natural looking results.

The surgery will take around 40minutes and will carry no pain. Sutures will be removed in 4-5days and any swelling will subside within a week. You will enjoy much younger and livelier eyes in 2-3weeks. For any more detailed information, it would be advisable to meet in person for consultation and examination.

For surgical expenses, you can refer to the cost simulation page via the link below for approximate costs involved.

For more detailed consultation, you can simply call the clinic and have a conversation with the consultant and make an appointment to visit. Please feel comfortable visiting our clinic to discuss surgical method, quotes and recovery period etc). For an appointment or inquiries, please call the clinic (Apgujeong 546-1615). Thank you.

We wish you have a wonderful day. Dream Plastic Surgery