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Title About Face Lift Surgery
Name Rosemary Sign Date 2014-04-20

Hello. I am 48 year old.

I have sagging skin below eyes, cheeks, nasolabial creases and mouth areas...

I am thinking about Magic Lift and Face Lift...

The symptoms are not that serious for my age.

What is the recovery period, how effective and any side effects with Face lift....

What about with Magic lift. Please give me detailed answer.

How are you?
This is Dream Plastic Surgery.

I think you are considering lift surgery for sagging symptoms not so serious for you age.
There are several surgeries good for pulling on sagging skin. Traditionally incisions are made just in front of ears to pull on sagging skin and suture them. If sagging is not so serious, as you mentioned special thread is inserted and placed with a needle, it will continue pulling on the skin to relieve sagging problem. It is a simple procedure requiring only local or sleep anesthetics.

In regards to costs, please call the clinic to make an appointment to see the consultant and more details can be discussed.

We wish you have a wonderful day. Thank you. Dream Plastic Surgery.